What Drives Serial Killer Minds

By Marissa Velazquez

Unbelievably, three out of four serial killers live in the United States and the majority of those can be found in California. These brutal criminals do not look any different than the average citizen and because of that people want to know what goes on in serial killer minds. The facts show that these killers will not stop until they are apprehended and incarcerated or killed themselves.

There are four types of personalities that dominate this class of murderer. The visionary is the one that hears instructions from some higher authority to kill. Generally there will be a specific target that is chosen and the director is usually God or the devil. Mothers and fathers are also sometimes the voice that they hear and these instructions will come from the grave.

Those who are on a mission are said to feel as though they are cleaning up the community by killing specific types of people. They have deemed these people to be unworthy and in need of removal from society. The killer can focus on any type of group or individual whether it is street people, religious sects or social organizations.

Hedonistic killers are split into three classes. They enjoy killing and inflicting pain for their own amusement. Their groups are lust, thrill killers, and comfort killers.

Lust is driven by sexual gratification. They get sexual gratification out of their torture and control of the victims. Making sure that their victim is totally under their control helps to alleviate the feelings of powerlessness they experience now or in their past. Most of these kills are done with close contact weapons such as knives or the hands. As time passes the necessary amount of stimulation increases and the cool down between kills becomes shorter.

Thrill killers do just as the name implies. They killing for the thrill of watching someone die. They have been known to say the feeling they get is actually better than having sex with a woman. They think they are superior to the police because they do not get caught and will wait long periods of time between murders. Some have said they wanted to contrive the perfect crime and never get caught.

Money and security drive the comfort killers. They prey on their families to gain money and property. The weapon of choice here is usually a poison like arsenic. Some comfort killers have been known to substitute boarders or people they have been hired to care for in order to ensure their personal security.

The fourth group is called media killers because they blame the violent content of movies, games and television for their behavior. The blame theme can be seen in many of the stories told by convicted killers. They blame their parents for not paying enough attention or for being cruel and abusive to them. No one really knows why the serial killer minds have none of the moral stops that most people have. They are psychopathic by nature and do not have the ability to feel empathy for their fellow human being. There is no easy answer for them or society.

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