The Benefits Of A Spiritual Awakening

By Catalina Nielsen

There are many experiences that a person may have during their lifetime when it comes to their personal spirituality. However, there is generally one life defining moment which most people refer to as their spiritual awakening. It is the moment that they feel that their eyes, heart, and mind were all opened for the first time when it comes to their unique beliefs and experiences. When these moments take place most people want to share their experience with friends, family, and even strangers.

Spirituality is very powerful because it is very personal. The majority of people in the world claim to be spiritual on some level. However, there are really no two people that believe exactly the same way or feel the same way when it comes to their general spirituality. That is because it is a very person matter. It is also based on numerous elements but generally focuses on the experiences that a person has had during their own spiritual uprising.

The problem with this is that many people grow frustrated because when they share their stories or experiences with others they don't feel that they truly understand where they are coming from. The fact of the matter is that they don't and most likely never will. For this to be possible they would have to share the exact experience with one another in the same manner. The chances of that taking place are slim to none.

Most people have been raised around some type of religion. They may have grown up in church or may have been exposed to different belief systems. However, until a person truly has a spiritual awakening the things they heard and the beliefs they were exposed to were probably nothing but words without true meaning and understanding.

When an awakening takes places all those things a person has heard throughout their life may begin to make better sense. They will now not see words but will now understand and believe these words. Their entire aspect and sense of being may completely change.

Many people are hesitant when it comes to spirituality. That is because they have seen many people claim to have had experiences and then have seen the way they act and behave after. These people think to themselves, "Why would I want to endure such an awakening if nothing will ever truly change?". When these thoughts come into play it can be quite difficult for a person to understand spirituality at all. Especially when they see people do things in the name of their belief that go against their personal moral codes.

Regardless of what anyone believes the idea and notion of a spiritual awakening cannot be denied. There are true testaments to people's lives being completely changed for the better when such things happen to them personally.

Rather than judge those that claim to have had such a spiritual awakening, one should simply be pleased when these events have happened and have had a positive result. Though all people judge, there may come a time when one needs to simply accept what they can't understand.

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