Sci Fi Novels Change The Way We Think

By Leticia Jensen

In sci fi novels we are presented with ideas that not only stretch our imaginations but challenge and entertain us at the same time. Many different topics are covered. In the past space travel, robots and aliens were popular topics. Although these topics are still popular, the advances made in the fields of technology, medicine and others have presented authors with a whole new range of ideas.

Genetic and biological research has made huge strides, providing much fodder for writers of science fiction. Imagine a world where everyone has a tapeworm implanted in their brains that can heal all injuries. The only problem is that the tapeworms are sentient. Imagine the plot twists that could be used when people are cryogenically frozen and defrosted in the future.

We all speculate about the future and in these books we are presented with many different scenarios. Some of these are apocalyptic in nature such as those where humans suffer dire consequences because of what they have done to nature. Others may take problems of our current world, like poverty and disease and offer future scenarios where these kinds of problems have solutions.

Technological advances are the subject of many such books. They play on our fears that technology will take over our lives. Isaac Asimov wrote about robots in a way that made us really begin to think about the implications of artificial intelligence from every angle, including ethically and legally.

Many of the books being written today do not fall strictly into one genre or another. The boundaries between the different genres have become blurred, particularly between fantasy and science fiction. Many genres borrow from one another and you can read about a romance that takes place on another galaxy or a time traveler who happens to be a serial killer.

These books do not only change the way we think about our world but offer a wonderful way to escape as well. It is easy to get lost in another world when it is described down to the smallest details. H. G. Wells and Jules Verne provided us with this type of escapism and many authors have followed in their footsteps.

Medical breakthroughs have also provided an endless supply of ideas for these books. This presents us with all sorts of possibilities in the future, such as people who can heal themselves from any injury, robotic limbs that cannot be distinguished from real ones and diseased organs that are easily replaced by ones grown in laboratories.

There is an enormous variety of science fiction books available today, covering just about every topic under the sun. Even if you have never read any books in this genre before, now may be the time to start. For fans, new books are being written all the time and are often conveniently categorized together on a site. Some of the reviews written by avid fans are enticing and can give you a good idea of whether a particular book will appeal to you.

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