The Procedure Of Writing A Novel

By Daniel Anderson

Developments in science and technology have greatly changed the society today. Unlike in the past, we now live at a moment in time when knowledge and information are some of the most valuable resources that a person can have. Being able to offer facts, descriptions and skillfulness are some of qualities required to thrive. A person has to read not only academic materials but also several novels for this. The procedure of Writing a Novel is highly essential.

A novel is basically a particular kind of book whose purpose is to narrate a story. This story can either be a tale of the past or simply the imaginations of author brought to life through the use of characters. It is not an easy thing to accomplish however. The person has to be highly motivated and dedicated to this particular interest. In addition to that, the person has to also follow certain steps.

In order to accomplish any task, the person has to be keen and make ample preparations. This is irrespective of whether this task is simple or complex. Writing a summary is a very crucial part of successful book writing. This summary should describe the activities and characters in book briefly. No names or any other special features should be mentioned in this summation.

The next step is providing a description of story. This part of process requires the author to write more about the summary. The description should make up a complete paragraph of about six sentences. A common structure used by authors is the three-act one. This structure comprises of the introduction, middle act and the end section that requires the story to climax. After this final touches can be done to make up for loose ends.

The most important part of this book is the characters being used. The author has to make an effort to fully describe these people and give those names, goals, motivation and several other things that will bring them alive. High levels of innovation and creativity must be exercised here. Care should be taken as not to make these characters bizarre.

At that point these people are simply ideas of the author. Turning them into living people is the next logical step in this sequence. This means that they must possess attributes such as birth days, likes and dislikes and background information too. The gradually changes in these people should be briefly introduced to the reader as well.

Scenery is very important when planning a book. This is basically the places that the characters of the book will be taken through the storyline. As much as it is important to let the imagination run wild here, some level of reality has be inculcated as well. A four paged synopsis must be formulated and a flow of activities predetermined. The narration point of view to be used in telling the story should be determined.

The process of writing the body of the book is yet the most tasking one. It takes a lot of concentration and patience as well. On completion, this person can either review the work in person or use a second party they trust to do this. After the first work has been reviewed, the author can embark on redrafting. One should take their time when it comes to making the final copy.

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