Understanding The Last Days By Reading End Of Times Book By Roy Burger

By Elizabeth Walker

There is an eternity. Life on earth is a preparation for it. The earthling is a traveler in a bus bound to somewhere much better. One should enjoy the journey but most importantly, he should eagerly await the destination that is Heaven. There is the day of completion. The seventh day marked the conclusion of creation and the start of life on earth. They will reach a day when earth will cease to exist. These are complex issues to grasp but they are easily explained in end of times book by Roy Burger. This publication offers much needed enlightenment.

The Bible says that there will be earthquakes and distress in various places. These have been common occurrences. There is also the issue of nation turning against nation. This was witnessed in the major world wars that occurred. War is a present day reality. There is a lot of tension and also the rumors of a third world war. Another warning sign the Holy Bible speaks about is rumors of war.

People are perplexed by how the world will really conclude. Some fail to believe some believe but with doubts. To settle all confusing issues, one needs a book that properly explains the concept of the last days. Many people cannot decipher the Revelation of the Prophet John. A publication will help with this. It will lay out everything in simple and clear language.

The Prophet Daniel detailed what will happen in the last days in a series of chapters and verses. He prophesied the rise of the major global empires. Already, they have been the Babylonian, Persian, Greece and Roman empires. The last empire to rule the world will be a reincarnation of the Roman Empire. This will be a time of suffering and distress.

The biggest prophesy awaiting realization relates to the terrible and great day that is to come. To some, it will be a day of happiness and bliss because it will be when they will enter Paradise. To others, it will be a day or regret and reckoning where all of a person's deeds come to haunt him. Being prepared is important.

End Times book talks about Noah and how the great flood is very similar to the final hour. Both find people unprepared. In both scenarios, people are forewarned but many fail to believe. Many thought the flood was a big myth until it occurred and they were swept away by it. Some people even said that Noah was crazy.

The book concerning the final hour has chapters that comprehensively address the issue of the Rapture of the Church. This will be one of the most eventful moments in the world. It will make a turning point where the man of sin will finally be revealed and the mark of the beast will start being used. Rapture is an event worth understanding.

Not a single Bible prophesy has gone unfulfilled. The Holy Bible is the most accurate recording of history. It documents what took place in the past and what will take place in the future. Christians are awaiting the final hour. It may come sooner than many people think. End times publication helps one to get the wisdom needed to enter Paradise.

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