How To Win In Submit Short Stories Competition

By Peter Wilson

A short story is a piece of prose that can be read in one sitting. It is usually less than 6000 words and can be written within fifty hours. This kind of prose is different from a novel in the sense that novels can be as long as whatever you like and may contain hundreds of plots or characters. Knowing the differences between this kind of prose and a novel can give you an edge over others in a submit short stories contest.

It is good to start up with a premise. A premise can be anything to give the reader an overview of what the story is about. The premise should comprise few sentences to describe a basic point or lesson that the story intends to give. You may say one or two things about the evil of corruption or the benefits of hard work. By the time your story ends, it is important that everything in it agrees with the premise.

Writing requires some tools for those ideas to flow. These tools include a table, chair, pens, books, dictionaries and jotters. Your sitting posture should be good to prevent early fatigue. Try to organize your ideas before sitting down but do not be too apprehensive about it since you can always edit.

Once you decide you are going to participate in a story competition, you need to carry along a jotter and a pen with you everywhere. This is to enable you put vital points down and perhaps a good opening sentence when you are inspired. With many few notes gathered within some days or weeks, you may need just a few more hours to write down something perfect.

Another step is to develop your characters. The characters should have their specific roles to play in the novel. The underlying premise of a character should be consistent so that the reader would not have any problem in following the story.

When you write a small story with several scenes, you are already plotting your own failure. The events in this kind of story should take place within a limited period. It may be about what happened in the winter season or how a girl succeeded in her final year exams.

Also think about the narrator of the story. Narrators of stories may be first person, second person or third person. In first person narration, the writer of the story is the narrator who gives a breakdown of events while in the second person style, the reader is considered as one of the characters. Third person narration enables the writer to explore the thoughts of his characters even though this is also risky if done improperly as the reader may not know the character to focus on at the point where he becomes confused.

Writing a short story may be difficult especially if it is the first time. The best way to encourage yourself to do this is by writing a catchy first sentence and paragraph. The first paragraph should not be the summary. Just think of something that can arouse the reader's interest and propel him to go on without stopping.

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