Opting For Digital Printing That Is Eco Friendly

By Cornelia White

Not so long ago every print shop had offset presses, inks and reams of paper in storage waiting to be used. With the advent of digital presses, this has changed dramatically. Choosing digital printing that is eco friendly takes this to another level where the equipment, paper and inks used are all environmentally friendly.

Chemicals are used to engrave plates with images and text for offset presses. Ink and water are applied to the plate which is mounted on a roller. The plate cylinder offsets the design onto a rubber blanket roller, which in turn transfers it onto the paper. The entire process involves much wastage of resources and hazardous solid and liquid waste and fumes are produced as a by product.

The new technology does not need plates as an image is sent directly to the printer from files compiled using graphics software. This saves time and money. Toxic chemicals do not have to be used and the by products of the process are not hazardous, eliminating the need for special disposal methods. This process works very well for small print runs of items like full color business cards, letterheads and fliers. It allows for more personalization and prevents wastage.

The savings in labor and the ever-increasing capability of digital machines means the quality of this type of print is improving all the time. However, not every press offers the same quality so customers must do some research. For example, some of the older presses may not have the same quality as the newer ones. Newer ones may be designed for specific types of applications and may not be the most cost effective option for a particular project.

Going green has become such a trend that many suppliers are making this claim. Some have very little substance to back up their claims while others are totally committed to this cause. Online websites of suppliers should offer details about the machines, processes and materials used. This is one way for customers to discern whether their claims are genuine or not.

Vegetable based inks are becoming more popular as they emit fewer volatile organic compounds than traditional petroleum-based inks. Initially it was expensive to use these inks but costs are beginning to go down as demand goes up. Soy based ink is one of the inks used and it produces good color.

The type of paper used is usually classified by printers, according to recycled content. Some of the paper is 100% recycled content, ancient forest friendly and manufactured with wind generated electricity. It is also free of acid and processed chlorine. Other paper has less recycled content and it is up to the customers to decide what to use.

Opting to use digital printing that is eco friendly is just one of the ways in which one can show commitment to protecting the environment. This does not mean one has to settle for inferior quality in any way as great strides have been made with this technology. The best printers with the latest equipment offer quality just as good as offset printers if not better.

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