Useful Guide In Writing Poems Of Inspiration

By Eugenia Dickerson

A poet can write about various topics for the poem such as love, school, nature, money, or anything his or her heart so desire. At times, it is easy as abc to write a poem but there are times when the ideas run empty and creating a poem turns into an uphill climb. When this scenario happens, here are some useful guide on writing poems of inspiration for both neophyte and veteran poets alike.

Condition the mid to write and get creative by sitting still or by reading an inspiring book of poetry and take note of some lines that struck and take it from there. You may also observe nature such as lakes or forest or simply sitting on a bench at the park on a late afternoon just to get some inspiration. Then freely express your feelings and write from within your heart to let the natural flow of your creativity.

For those who have favorite poets read through their words and get valuable insights on their writing styles and topics. There is plethora or books on poems available at the local library or on the internet that you can check out and review. You will be surprised at the various poems and be inspired to write your own once you go through them.

It is also noteworthy to take into consideration your expected outcome of the poem and start from there on. If you wish to convey your message about a momentous happening or a poignant scene, then by all means go ahead. Write as if you are communicating your ideas directly to your intended audience who will be reading your poem later on.

There are also many poem styles that you can choose to follow like limerick, haiku or sonnet. However, it is not necessary to follow these styles as you can always write your own free verse straight from the heart. The best poems usually come out when the writer pours the real feelings and let the creative juices flow freely in the writing process.

Just bear in mind to always carry writing tool so that you can always put those ideas into writing whenever you feel like it. A handy pen and notebook is always useful to put those sparks of ideas into concrete writing. Better yet, carry a digital notebook, smart phone or tablet wherever you go and use it also as your writing tool.

Make the poem more meaningful and rich by picking the right words to go with the overall mood or theme of the poem. Consult the thesaurus or dictionary in order to convey the perfect word that describes the idea you have in mind. Create the most fitting tapestry of your poem by playing with synonyms and vocabulary.

You may also use metaphor, repetition, simile, assonance, alliteration, and other poetic devices to further enhance the beauty of the poem. Be sure to use vivid imagery and understandable descriptions so that the audience can readily relate to the ideas that you try to convey to them. So get your writing tools and begin scribbling poems of inspiration today.

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