Knowing All About Domestic Abuse

By Jayne Rutledge

Domestic abuse or spousal violence is the act of one partner forcefully trying to subdue or dominate the other partner by means of fear. Now the dominating party may use of violence, threats, blackmail, or any other means in order to control the subdued partner. Of course if this type of act is to be stopped, it is always important to understand and recognize it first.

The thing about spousal violence is that it may happen to anyone regardless of age, sex, and race. Many people believe that it is only the men who would do this to their wives but what many do not know is that women are also known to do these shameless acts to their husbands but in a different form. This means that abusive behavior sees no discrimination at all.

One thing to always remember is that this type of behavior is not something that would just come out of nowhere the next second. This type of characteristic would actually come in small steps and would come gradually. From the small belittling comments, one may actually start humiliating his or her partner by making use of hurtful words.

Ultimately, this may actually lead to physical violence and other types of related acts. Of course just like the verbal form, the physical one would start out small like some light slaps to the head. From these small slaps, one could actually start hitting or probably even scratching his or her partner when angry.

Of course there is also another form of abusive behavior that is mostly portrayed by men. This is known as sexual abuse which is also a form of rape and may happen even to those who are already married. What happens here is that the dominating partner will be forcing his wife to have sex with him in a manner that may actually hurt her.

Of course the signs of being a victim of this kind of behavior is actually quite obvious. If one acts very timid and seemingly scared in front of his or her spouse, then it is actually obvious that something is going in their house. Usually, victims would be on their toes and watching out for their actions as they are scared of offending their spouses.

Now a lot of people would be asking why the dominating partners would exhibit this kind of behavior in the first place. Well, one of the most common answers is that it is a manifestation of insecurity. The reason as to why abusive partners would hurt their spouses is simply because they do not feel good about themselves so they would take it out on their partners so they can feel like someone is below them.

Domestic abuse is one of the most dangerous occurrences in the world and can actually change the personality of a person. There are so many bad long term effects that a victim may actually experience. That is why this type of treatment has to stop already and the voices of these victims have to be heard in order to bring about the change.

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