Ideas On Options Of Digital Printing That Is Eco Friendly

By Lana Bray

The creation of impressions on fabrics is process which has remained very dynamic over the years. While digital printing has been the main method of achieving this, there have been numerous improvements which have taken place in a bid to make the whole process more efficient, more environmental-friendly and to maintain high quality of the final output. As you adopt digital printing that is eco friendly, there may be need to make a few changes in the manner in which you process your textiles.

One of the strategies which can be used to achieve sustainability is the use of cleaner raw materials particularly the consumables. The lacquer used for the screens has traditionally contained a lot of chromium and the trend has been to reduce the amount of this element. Consequently, environmental pollution has been markedly reduced. The metal used to make holes in the screens is usually made of nickel so as to minimize the wear and tear processes common with other metals.

Installing an efficient wastewater system is another way of conserving environmental resources. Using such a system, water produced from the system will be recycled and reused for other purposes and as a result will help save on production costs. Some of the uses where this water will be useful include the washing of pumps and printer blankets.

Efficiency should also be created in other areas. For example, the printing machines (conventional or digital) must be designed in a manner which helps in the optimisation of energy, water and the ink. To maintain high temperatures in the drying chambers a number of measures can be put in place. For example, the use of radial extraction techniques in drying will help in the creation of warmth than can be used for the drying process. This has been found to contribute to close to 25% in energy savings.

Most printing techniques require the fabric or any other media be pre-treated before the creation of impressions is done. Urea is a popular choice for this exercise but is associated with a number of disadvantages. One of them is the fact that this chemical leads to formation of carbon dioxide gas, a potential environmental pollutant. There is also need to wash the media to get rid of residual urea. The solution in this case is to use a special kind of form which does not produce the gas or require washing.

Another option which can be considered is what is referred to as digital engraving. In this method, direct laser is used to create the impressions on the media. It has a major advantage in that the turnaround time is way shorter than what is seen with other methods. In addition, it requires less water and energy.

Other than engraving, another possible option which may be considered is the use of pigments rather than dyes. Pigments are good for almost any type of medium. This option does not require pre and post treatment which makes it cheaper. In addition, less water, energy and chemicals are required.

For successful implementation of digital printing that is eco friendly, legal requirements must be put into perspective. The issues surrounding environmental degradation and conservation have great legal implications which you need to be aware of even as you make changes. The rules vary from one region to another and from one country to another.

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